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Waiting and Trusting While Walking the Journey

I know with 100% certainty that I’m on the journey God wants me to be on, in life and business. However, I admit there are times the waiting and trusting can be a challenge.

In 2013, after a trusted friend introduced me to the toxin free lifestyle. I felt God asked me to become a brand partner for the company Young Living. I was super excited about it. I saw the value of essential oils and plant based toxin free products right away. I ditched all my old products as I experienced first hand how they were helping me physically, emotionally and mentally. I saw how immensely beneficial they were. I wanted to learn more about them. In fact I became a learn-aholic. I read everything I could get my hands on. Plus I went to conferences, watched videos and took lots of classes and trainings.

One of the books that impacted me the most was “Healing Oils of the Bible”, by David Stewart. The more I read it, the more I wanted to share all that I was learning with others. I could not believe I was never told about how these oils had been used for thousands of years! I realized it was a FORGOTTEN ART, and God was revealing something completely new and very special to me. I found it very fascinating and I still do even after several years of learning!

When I learned that God had given us essential oils to support healing on every level - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually I threw myself into learning more about them and experiencing them first hand. Of course I was so excited I couldn't help sharing my experiences with others. In fact, I couldn't shut up about it.

I wish I could say that everyone listened intently to what I said, but that was not the case. Some listened and were excited, but quickly lost interest, thinking I was simply trying to sell them something they did not need nor want. I did rise up quickly as a leader because God opened many doors for me. Interestingly, many of the people who wanted to join me on the journey lived very far away from me. There were only a few who lived near me that developed an interest like I did, and I appreciated them greatly. Many who have joined me were people I had never met. Some came through social media and others through friends of friends.

But then one day… the growth stopped, and many quit walking the journey for whatever reason.

I was still excited about this journey, but my family and many others did not see my vision. I kept putting pressure on myself as people told me "This is silly, it's never going to work, you are wasting your time, just give up." These words frustrated me and caused me to doubt God’s promises and my purpose. I wondered if I was really following His plan of action? I thought, if I was, it surely would have been easier.

I found myself in a new season and territory that I didn't want to walk through. It is a wilderness experience of learning to TRUST GOD fully even when things don't go the way I expect them to. It is a season of personal growth where I am learning to surrender everything and everyone to God. I have no idea how long this time of trials, challenges, frustrations and disappointments in the wilderness will last. I hope not 40 years. LOL

In the last few years I have been mocked and rejected more times than I want to count. As a Blue personality I kept yelling out, to God “WHY?? Why do you have me on this long difficult journey with very few answers? Why do I have to keep experiencing rejection and failure? Why does everything I do seem to fall flat? Why is my voice unheard? Why can't others see the value?

He showed me that I had to stop being a people pleaser... that He was the only one I needed to please. He revealed to me I could not trust others or even my own talents, drive, and personality to reach my goals. He made it clear He was my source and I needed to trust in Him and Him alone... for He is my provider... and every good gift comes from Him.

Through this time in the wilderness where not only did I NOT end up at the destination I expected in the time frame I believed... (you know the promised land)... I went backwards. In fact, I almost ended up back in Egypt (the land of slavery).... a slave to my goals. My whole life I have always been a high achiever and most everything came quite easy to me. So falling way short was tough to accept. And I couldn't believe how hard it was.

However, now I am grateful. Because through it all, I have experienced emotional healing. I didn't even realize the wounds which were buried inside of me for years. I thought my achievements would make me acceptable and admired by others. But God has uprooted that lie with the love of Jesus, and I know that I am totally accepted no matter how I perform. Now I can let the overflow of His love be poured out to others, and whether they accept me or not for my deeds and accomplishments does not matter. The only thing that matters is love. Love for God and others.

Even with the healing I still wondered why I had to wait to see the fulfillment of certain promises in my life. But My loving heavenly Father keeps reminding me to TRUST Him, because His grace is sufficient to help me persevere on the long journey and His ways are higher than my ways. I also remember the great heroes in the Bible who experienced long times of preparation and many trials as they TRUSTED AND WAITED for the promise- like Moses, Abraham, David, and Joseph.

His Word reassures me, it also calms my doubts and frustrations, and causes a daily peace in my heart that He knows when my "DUE SEASON" is going to be. And I trust Him in that! Even though I helped over 300 people get started on this journey only about one third of them are left. All I can do is trust God and leave them in His trustworthy hands.

I admit the waiting and trusting can be hard. Maybe I will never reach the goals I believed I would years ago. However, God continues to provide everything for my needs according to His riches in glory. By God's grace we have never been without a meal or not been able to pay our bills. My husband has always had a job and works so hard. My horse business has also blossomed in the last few years in a different way which I did not plan when I started. What a surprise?

In 2020 when things were really slow because of the pandemic... God inspired me to write a new coaching program called THE BEST IS YET TO COME, where I help women in the 2nd half of life slow down premature aging by phasing out things from diet, lifestyle and thinking which accelerate aging. It took off real fast in January of 2021 with 30 women enrolling. Then another drought came and I was put in WAIT AND TRUST mode again. I won't give up, because I know what I have to offer will benefit those who will give it a try. I trust God will bring the precious ones into my path who are ready for a new and better way.

I know I am on God’s path for my life and in the appointed time He WILL make things happen. I am sure it is going to be in a way which will surprise me and the mind of everyone around me who have tried to discourage me. I am also a realist and I know that nothing happens magically. But it is a fact, that God will keep His promises to me and He will make things happen in my "DUE SEASON", following His timing, NOT MINE!

All I have to do is be obedient.

I stand on this truth... God can do ABUNDANTLY more than I could ever ask or imagine. I will continue to acknowledge Him in all my ways, stop leaning on my own understanding, and keep doing daily whatever He asks me to do. In the end, it will all work out perfectly, as God planned it. Then I will be able to give Him ALL of the credit for what He did in my life and business. In the mean time I continue to WAIT AND TRUST as I walk this journey in peace, joy and obedience.

Want more info on the coaching program The Best Is Yet To Come CLICK HERE

Want more info on essential oils and the toxin free lifestyle... CLICK HERE

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I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Natural Spunk N Shine where I help women in the 2nd half of life, be spunkier,  shine brighter and dream bigger.  Ever since I launched this project, the blog has been thriving and has quickly gained a loyal following. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.


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