Updated: May 20, 2021
DO YOU HAVE A VISION? I hope so because if you don't the Bible says you will perish.
Proverbs 29: 18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. KJV
We can learn a lot from him... His story is found in Genesis.
Genesis 37: 5 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.
This was no ordinary dream; it was a God dream, and Joseph lived in pursuit of that dream, day-by-day, building toward God’s ideal for his life
STEP ONE: DARE TO DREAM (Joseph dared to dream)
How about you?
What is your dream?
If your answer sounded something like, “Well I don’t know where to start” then I encourage you to start with God’s Word. The foundation is there in the Bible. He has already told you his dream for your life.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
The Bible is FULL of God’s dreams for us
His plan for you is to give you “a hope and a future” in every area of your life:
Why is it we don’t dream or we don't have a vision? Most people don't.
There are many excuses: I’m too “young”, I’m too “old” , I'm a failure, I'm too tired, I’m too “insignificant, I'm in too much pain, I'm not good enough, etc.
God has a plan, a purpose, a dream and a vision for your life, so make the rest of your life the best of your life! Hellen Keller said, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”
If you don't have a vision or dream... Ask God to give you a God-inspired one. Ask big and believe it's done.
Give yourself permission to dream the impossible.
STEP TWO: DEFINE THE DREAM (Joseph defined his dream)
In verse Genesis 37: 10 he basically says, “I’m going to save my family and nation.”
Have you defined your dream... that is what a vision board can help you do.
I encourage you to make one and look at it often.
Our minds think in pictures. So give life to your dream with pictures.
You become what you behold.
When your vision is clear the results will appear.
You might want to start with the final scene. Decide how you want it to end.
What would need to happen for you to say... this is the most amazing year yet.
Henry David Thoreau said, “In the long run men hit only what they aim at”
STEP THREE: DECLARE THE DREAM (Joseph declared and shared his dream) v 5-10
There is definitely value in communicating your dream to others. It is important to have people around us that will help spur us on and root us on toward victory.
What does your support system look like?
Gather folks around you who are for you. Surrounding yourself with good people is important.
Get some good folks around you that you can declare your dreams to, people who will encourage you to evaluate them – and then run hard after your God-given dreams.
Watch what you speak: If it's not what you want don't speak it.
Here is an idea: no matter what you say follow it with "that's just the way I want it".
STEP FOUR: DON’T STOP MOVING TOWARD THE VISION. (Joseph kept moving forward)
Day by day, he built a life of trusting God and fulfilling God’s purposes for his life.
Don’t stop! Keep moving toward what God has called you to.
STEP FIVE: DON’T GET DISTRACTED: (Nothing distracted Joseph, not being sold, falsely accused, imprisoned, forgotten, nothing distracted him)
Sin, compromise, a lack of focus, laziness, callousness, disobedience, resentment, discouragement can all distract us, and the costs can be immense.
STEP SIX: DEFEND THE DREAM (Joseph stayed the course when he could have crashed and burned.)
Joseph’s example here is amazingly powerful) He fulfilled God’s dream for his life, even though he had to defend the dream along the way.
Think of whatever dream/vision you are contemplating in your life right now.
So here’s my question for you:
What is God’s dream for you and how much do think the enemy would like to steal and destroy that dream?
Now, how are you going to LIVE to DEFEND that dream?
Habakuk 2: 2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
There is so much power in writing it. Don't just think it. WRITE IT!
80% people have no vision/goals
16% have goals/vision but don't write it down
3% Wrote down their goals/vision but do not review them.
1% Write goals/vision down and review them constantly.
Do you want to be in the 1%... those are the people who like Joseph actually live their dreams/vision.
As we leave the starting gate in 2021 together, let’s pray, “God I want to embrace your dream for my life. I want to understand it clearly, share it boldly, and live my life to achieve your ideal for my life.”
I hope you’re as excited and inspired about this journey as I am.