Broken Pieces
Updated: Feb 20, 2021
Broken relationships.
Broken dreams.
Broken lives.
Have you ever watched as one of your antique treasured pieces crashed to the floor, breaking into an explosion of pieces beyond repair?
You want to glue it back together. But it would never be the same. The damage was done.
So the only choice is to throw it away.
It would be easier to just buy a new one, but it may be impossible to find another one exactly like it because it was a special having been handed down through the generations. It is irreplaceable.
Do you have a shelf or drawer in your house with certain broken pieces that you believe are able to be put back together, just awaiting their repairs?
Do you ever feel like you are one of those broken pieces on the shelf or in the drawer waiting for repair? Shattered. Tossed aside. Or thrown away. Thinking it will take way too much work to try to restore your pieces.
Society says...“Just get a new one,”
“Don’t let anyone see the broken flaws.”
This is the way we often live in this world especially on social media.
Do you feel beyond repair this time?
Do you feel like the brokenness has rendered you useless?
Do you feel the need to hide the scars?
Do you feel tossed aside. Shamed. Forgotten. Rejected.
What if there is a way to be better than new?
We are never too broken for restoration.
We are never too shattered for repair.
We are never beyond healing.
Beautiful One...don't be ashamed of your scars, or the broken pieces of your life because they have an amazing story to tell.
God can break through all that mess.
Just because we’ve been broken doesn’t mean that we are thrown away.
Just because we’ve been broken doesn’t mean that we are un-usable.
Just because we’ve been broken doesn’t mean that we are forgotten.
Brokenness can bring about a new beauty in us.
The deep lines of aging, all have stories to tell.
So don't try to hide them.
Remember we have a Healer. One who repairs. Who can fit the broken pieces that no longer seem to fit right into a perfect masterpiece.
He can create a better work of art, more than we ever dreamed possible when we let him put the pieces where He sees they fit.
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
When he heals your broken pieces... You end up more beautiful than before.
Jesus was willing to take on the brokenness of the world in exchange for our freedom.
“Behold, I am making all things new.” Rev. 21:5
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Cor. 5:17
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Is. 43:19
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Ps.147:3
“He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecc. 3:11
If you want prayer please don't hesitate to pm me.
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