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Pray for the Harvest

God wants everyone to be saved.

Ephesians 2: 4 "who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

God will do anything to save us.

He is never unfair to anyone... but unfortunately some men choose to be separated from Him.

Did you know there are three harvest spoken of in the bible.

1. Barley

In this article I am going to just talk about the Barley Harvest. I will share about the Wheat and Grape harvests In a second and third article.

Did you know the Passover was determined by when the barley harvest was ready.

The barley harvest represents that Jesus died for you and me!

Passover week culminates with the Feast of First Fruits in which sheaves of barley were waved in the temple. Jesus is the First Fruits.

Jesus died for the harvest that was already prepared for Him which was ready for reaping.

What does that mean to you? Jesus just doesn’t show up in your life and ask what can He do for you today. God has already prepared an answer for your problem... ready to appear when the time is right. '


The stage in which the barley was close to ripe but not quite ready for harvest is like when people are not YET receptive to the word of God and the message of love through his Son.

But when the barely is just right (ripe)...the kernel is tender and can easily be separated by gentle shaking, and airing.

The chaff from the barley falls away very easily, so barley is said to be winnowed. That is, the action of the wind itself (by means of fans) are sufficient to get rid of the chaff. This speaks of people who have tender hearts and so they quickly respond to the wind of the Spirit.

These soft kernels are like the people who are ripe and ready to hear the gospel message. When you tell them Jesus loves you... it melts their soft tender heart easily. They don't need to be beaten or hit rock bottom to accept his love and experience the new life. They don't need scientific proof or to understand mysteries, Jesus Loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so is enough.

This is why the scripture says, come to me as little children... because their hearts are more tender.

Children just believe Jesus loves them and it isn't hard for them to respond to the truth when they hear it. Their husk or outer shell has not become brown and crusted over. They don't need to protect their ego or hide from shame, or need some kind of scientific proof. They just believe.

The reason Jesus was born, died and rose again was for the harvest of the people in this world.

Are you ready to just believe that Jesus loves you like a child.... by faith ???

This is really the best and easiest way.

Today is the day of salvation!!!

Is you heart tender, ripe and ready to see the coming of the Lord?

Will you believe on him as your personal Savior... simply because he loves you enough to die for you.?

Or are you going to be one who holds out to be part of the wheat or grape harvests?

These are more difficult harvests. So I ask you to remove your hard outer layer today and allow the Lord Jesus to gently blow the wind of the Holy Spirit over you to separate you from the world of evil... washing away your sin... because He loves you.

Come to Jesus! and see you in the next articles for the Wheat harvest. and the Grape Harvest.

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I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Natural Spunk N Shine where I help women in the 2nd half of life, be spunkier,  shine brighter and dream bigger.  Ever since I launched this project, the blog has been thriving and has quickly gained a loyal following. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.


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