The Whole Story
Look to the Cross...
And Remember the Empty Tomb.
Christ alone. Jesus is all you need.
I know, it might seem like a yawner if you’ve heard it enough times.
But in reality, too many Christians around the world may have never heard the whole gospel.
They know that Jesus died for their sins, but they may have missed the rest of the story.
When you hear the whole story, it is life changing. There are two sides to every coin.
The cross led to death...
but the empty tomb brings life.
The gospel brings both salvation (eternal life)...
and healing (health and dynamic living to people)
We are not only forgiven of sins...they are gone forever.
We are also made righteous and perfect in God's sight.
We were slaves to sin...
but now IN HIM we are FREE from the power of sin.
He gives life to the dead.
We were once dead spiritually, but now are alive in the Holy Spirit.
He has anointed us with the same Holy Ghost that Jesus was.
We have no more fear because we are sure of His love.
His love is 100% unconditional. Nothing can separate us from it.
We were once enemies of God bound for destruction.
But now we are nobility, his close friends and priests
in the Kingdom of God with the same authority that He has.
We die to self-centeredness and are given a new purpose in life,
which is to love, honor and serve God, by loving, esteeming and serving people.
Miracles will take place when we get this new life. Devils will obey us.
We will overpower the evil that degrades society.
Because of the Father's love for us,
we want to go tell what Christ's death and resurrection life did for us.
We will touch people with His love and life that cures sickness and hopelessness.
Jesus is a savior from disease, poverty, failure, religion, inferiority, self-dignity, and sin.
Our hurting world needs Jesus.
We demonstrate His, love, grace, mercy, peace, joy, generosity, miracle power, healing, deliverance, and freedom to the world through the resurrected life.
Yes, Christ's death on the cross is foundational to the good news.
We are no longer condemned, and we are part of God's family.
But the empty tomb is equally important because it is a life changing.
He raises us up out of the tomb as NEW creatures in Christ. The old is gone.
The gospel is not just an insurance policy to heaven.
It is a transformed life where we become the hands and feet of Jesus.
The miracle of the resurrected life is what makes Christianity more than a religion or philosophy.