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A Great Harvest is Beginning!

In my last article I share about the Barely Harvest...

Now we will look into the wheat harvest.

The two different grain harvests and the one fruit harvest in the Bible may be compared to three spiritual harvests of souls.

Pentecost was dependent on the wheat harvest. Pentecost is 50 days after First Fruits in which the Jews celebrated the wheat harvest.

When the grain crop is ripe, it is harvested by separating the chaff or the refuse. In my article "Pray for the Harvest" I shared how the mature barley goes through a time of separation or winnowing. Using a wooden fork or “fan,” winnowers throw the gathered barley against the wind so that the wind can separate the chaff (husk) from the grain.

On the other hand, mature wheat goes through a time of separation or crushing/threshing.

Using a tribulum, a wooden board with holes in it, or using a wooden sled, both of which oxen often pull, threshers stand or sit on the board or sled as it is drawn over the grain that is laying on the threshing floor, causing the grain to be separated from the husk (chaff) and straw.

The barley wheat only needed a gentle wind to separate the kernel from the husk... but to remove the chaff from the wheat requires a threshing (like a beating) which can be more painful. This is a more severe action, but it does the job. This represents the tender hearted who receive the love of Jesus quite easily.

The wheat harvest represents those who are asleep, in the spiritual sense. They don't really want to hear the Word of the Lord, their hearts are hard, and so the simple message of Jesus loves you may not be enough. They have lost their child like faith, and want some kind of proof of God and that He is worthy to follow.

People with a hard outer layer may need a demonstration of God's power. Prophesy, can often help them see God is real. Archeology can confirm the scriptures. And the scripture itself has the power to prove itself and draw even the hard shelled ones to the Savior of the world.

I write this because I want to remind everyone that our life is finite here on this earth.

All of us will die.

You see I am warning...

that up ahead the bridge is out...

You have to understand the bad news before the good news makes sense.

The bad news is the bridge is out... but I know a bridge maker who can fix it for you... so you can cross over to the other side safely.

Are you ready to get on board with Jesus?

Stay tuned because my next article talks about the grape harvest. Hope to see you there.

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I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Natural Spunk N Shine where I help women in the 2nd half of life, be spunkier,  shine brighter and dream bigger.  Ever since I launched this project, the blog has been thriving and has quickly gained a loyal following. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.


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