Updated: Feb 20, 2021
Do you get started late in the morning? Do you feel like you are always "playing catch-up"? Are you often late for appointments? Is you diet horrendous - eating lots of junk food? Is it getting worse month after month? Do you sometimes feel like you don’t want to continue on? Are you ready to revamp your lifestyle?
Well the first step is to identify the things you regularly need/want to do.
I suggest you pick out 3-5 habits you want to cultivate for the next 21 days.
Here are some examples: which I am going to try... but you make your own list and then be brave... share them with someone... because that will help hold you accountable to them... Come on... type them out and send them to me or a friend! You can do it.
(1) Sleeping at/before 12am, (2) Waking up at 6:30am, (3) Reading the Bible or listening to an inspirational speaker at least once a day (4) Set aside at least 30 minute for Prayer, (5) Replace at least one meal a day with a nutrient rich protein shakes
Now don't worry if you consider yourself a very undisciplined person... because I will be giving you specific hacks in my video just look below...
that will be critical in helping you stick with your new habits.
Just by identifying the things you regularly need to do you'll feel so much more peace.. You will actually feel like you're controlling your day, instead of your day controlling you.
Now get going... make your list and share it with somebody!
Watch my video Create routines that work for you and last. Part 2. CLICK HERE
Hack #2 Pick Habits that Reinforce Each Other
Hack #3 Plan For Your Habits (Right down to the timings)
Check the catagory "Creating Routines" on this blog for more hacks on creating order out of your chaos.
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For information on The Best Is Yet To Come