Updated: Feb 20, 2021
Routines are simply a systematic way of doing repeated tasks.
You may have several routines for the various areas of your life. There will be some routines that you do every single day, some repeated weekly, or monthly... and some that only apply to specific situations.
If you can identify the routines you have (and the routines you need), you’ll be able to save time and energy.
You’ll infuse your days with some predictability, which will wash away that nagging feeling of “SPINNING WHEELS.”
You’ll become a more efficient and intentional, something most of us dream of.
I suggest you sit down...write out a plan for a morning, mid day and evening routine...
What do you want each routine to look and feel like? What is absolutely necessary and what is not?
Other routines you may want to identify to help you eliminate the chaos are: Cleaning routines Grocery shopping routines Cooking/Meal prep routine Laundry routine Quiet time routine Children's routine Bill Pay/Bookwork routine (my least favorite)
Let's face it whether you have a full or part time job... you are a home Mom, or you are retired... a routine of some kind will help simplify your life.
If you can find your natural routines, you can figure out how to tweek them to make them more efficient.
Which routine you are going to identify first?
Watch Part 3 of Creating Routines Video CLICK HERE
3 more Hacks on Creating a routine that works for you.
Hack #4 Stay Ahead of Your Schedule
Hack #5 Track Your Habits
Hack #6 Engage People Around You
And for part 1 & 2 videos go to the "Creating Routines" Category of this blog and more hacks.
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