Love Letter to Self
Updated: Apr 8, 2021

If you’re ever feeling down or unworthy, try writing a love letter to yourself. You’ll be surprised all the healing that can take place…
Rule for writing a a love letter to yourself.
There are no rules about this letter, other than it should be positive and loving. No negatives. Keep the letter and whenever you feel down, read it and remember how much God loves you.
Remember the bible tells us to Love our Neighbor as Ourselves... thus it looks to me like we are to love others and ourselves . Christ died for you because he loves you. Should we scorn anything that God loves? If he loved us so much He was willing to die for us, then we ought to love what He loves. But we must always remember that God is love. God's love is the source, the root, of our love for him. It is the invisible structure that feeds and supports all the visible growth in our lives. His love is the vital nutrient we’re soaking up in order to love at all. Nothing grows, no fruit appears, if we are not connected to him.
I must preface that before I was saved, cleansed, and washed by the blood of Jesus.... before I repented of my sin there was nothing lovely about me. I am a sinner saved by grace. But now I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am being sanctified and molded into the image of my Savior Jesus by His love. I can only love because He first loved me. In utter humility I receive and give the love that has been given to me.
Here is my first attempt at a love letter to me! Feel free to use my ideas and please share with others.
Dear me,
No matter where I go there you are… always with me no matter whether I was rejoicing over a victory or crying over a failure, pain or loss. There was a time when I left you alone to rely on love and encouragement and strength from others but it left you feeling alone and unsatisfied. I had a head knowledge that God loved you no matter what. Even after I had repented...I often beat you up when I should have hugged you and praised you and appreciated you for the wondrous person you are. I should have acknowledged you for all the beauty and life you bring to this world.
I don’t tell you enough how much I love you. How much I admire you for following Jesus. How beautiful, caring, intelligent and strong you are in the Lord. I need to keep reminding you to ignore the jeers and snickers of others for being so in love with Jesus. I will keep telling you to forget about what others think because it is more important to obey the Lord, love God and others.
I decree you are not afraid to be different to be all that God created you to be. I not be ashamed of who you are in Christ because he has set your free from all guilt and condemnation.
Please forgive me for when I said horrible things to shame you. I took you for granted and dishonored you. I said you’re not enough even after Christ made me righteous by his blood. That if you’d only be a better teacher, a better wife, a better friend, a better writer, a better lover, a better horse trainer, a better business woman, a better speaker, and a better servant, then I’d love you.
If you were more compassionate, more tolerant, kinder and caring, a little more thick skinned, if you had achieved your goals, if you were a mother, then I’d respect you.
If you had less sun spots, if you ate less carbs, if you talked quieter and didn’t open your mouth at the wrong times, if you were less competitive, and not so selfish then I’d want you more.
I’m so incredibly sorry I failed you and more importantly I failed God. I’m sorry for hurting you, for not reminding you every second of every day how wonderful you are. You are actually quite brave and kind and powerful because Christ is in you. Please forgive me.
From now on I promise to be there for you always, to take care of you, and to fight harder to be the person God created you to be. I will protect, defend and cherish you. And above all I will love God and others.
I know life hasn’t always turned out the way you thought it would. You’ve had disappointments and sometimes felt like an utter failure. But YOU will persevere and come out on the other side more YOU than you’ve ever been before, because of Christ in YOU the hope of glory. YOU are going from glory to glory. Your latter days will be great than your former ones.
With the Lord on our side WE are enough. WE will conquer our future. WE will not turn back.
YOU are significant.
YOU are worthy.
YOU are beautiful.
YOU are smart.
YOU are strong.
YOU are enough.
You are free in Christ.
You are a child of the most high God.
I will respect, honor, and cherish you.
Love for eternity,
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The Best Is Yet To Come where I help women in the 2nd half of life slow down premature aging by phasing out things from diet, lifestyle and thinking which accelerate aging.