Sherry Jarvis and the other participants.
Sherry has a masters degree in Christian Education.. She has been teaching Sunday School, Bible Studies and Horsemanship for years. Her passion, training, and gift is teaching.
We will use guided Bible Studies. We will have times scheduled for: Bible study and sharing; praise and worship; prayer, reflections or personal time for you to write in your journal, and of course horsey time.
This is a non-denominational event. Anyone is welcome who would like to grow spiritually and loves horses, whether you own one or not.​

Sherry has ridden with many of the best clinicians, her favorites to date are Ray Hunt, Buck Brannamen, Bryan Newbert, and Richard Winter. She passed level 3 with Parelli in 2003. She has been training horses and their riders for years and started Heart in Your Hand Horsemanship full time in 2004. She published her first book "Win Your Horse's Heart"(And Be a Better Horseman) in 2009.
She is working on a second book.
She has been developing a relationship with the living God and Savior Jesus Christ all of her life. Like many of you she has had her ups and downs on this journey. She has had times of walking away and times of walking very close with the Lord. The most important things she has learned is that the Master Trainer always has her best interest at heart. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt Jesus will never leave her or give up on her, because his love and patience are unconditional and ever-lasting.
Of course you will learn a lot from the other participants. The friendships and bonds you make may last a lifetime. Sherry does follow-up emails with the groups to see how they are progressing from the lessons they learned at the retreat. Very often the participants stay in touch with each other
When horses think of freedom, they probably imagine green pastures and open ranges. They don't think of reins, saddles, or bits. We as humans think freedom and success come with piles of money, unlimited pleasures and the freedom to do whatever we want. That is exactly why both horses and humans require training. I often refer to horses as mirrors with hair on them. This can be very revealing and sometimes we like what we see and other times we just as soon not look at that reflection.
Anyway horses are very great teachers when we are open to listen and learn. Some of the lessons can be quite profound and others , well there is not any other way to say it than the changes can be "difficult."
Salvation is a totally free gift, all we have to do is believe and receive it. We can trust on the unshakable truth that all the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness. And on the path to purity and heaven the other truth is this: no pain no gain.
I've never worked with a horse that has asked me to train it. Usually, they would rather be grazing in the pastures instead of sweating in an arena. But every good trainer knows the value of training, even when the horse doesn't like it. When you come to one of our retreats you can bring your own horse or use one of ours, but either way God will use them to train you in individual lessons that will benefit you, even if the process is a bit painful or humbling.
As a trainer, I work to win the confidence and trust of both the horses and humans that I train. Instead of forcing them into obedience, I help them to want a relationship with me. When a horse has a good relationship with me as a trainer, we can do great things together. In the same way, when we have a relationship with our Master Trainer, Jesus , we will live our lives in a way that honors Him.
There are two key things for a horse/trainer relationship to work.
1. The trainer has to do the initiating.
The draw (getting the horse to come to you)
and asking the horse for things in a way they understand is so important.
2. The horses has to make a clear decision to respond.
He can either respond in a positive or negative way to our initiative action.
A relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is intiated by Him but requries a response on our part.
This is just one example of the many lessons the horses will teach us at the retreat. Every retreat is different depending on the people and horses who come. So we can't tell you exactly what we will do, but we can tell you you will be blessed if you come with an open heart to receive.

We all want to be the best example of Christ that we can be in the world today, and we have the best teacher in the world has ever known (the Holy Spirit and God's Word). I can't really say what the Lord will teach you during the retreat, but I can tell you that we will focus on the basics of living a Christ-centered life. We will pray that God will guide us through the basics of building a faith-filled life.
We may learn how to:
Start your walk with God, or continue it in a deeper way.
Stay in step with the Holy Spirit.
Stretch yourself to humbly seek forgiveness and to forgive others.
Lift up your heart in praise, worship and thanksgiving so you enjoy your life even more.
Strengthen your spirit with joy and peace of the Lord.
Develop a deeper prayer life.
Fall in love again.
Control your thought life.
Make wise decisions based on the will of God for your life.
Effectively study the Bible. ​
Who knows what God will do and what he will teach us, only He knows. However, I know it will be just what we need, because he is the Master Trainer.